Top Ten Tuesday: The Ten Most Recent Additions to my TBR

top ten tuesday

I wasn’t planning on doing a Top Ten Tuesday post this week, but then I saw everyone else’s posts crossing my reader, and I couldn’t resist the theme. Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl and this week’s theme is the ten most recent additions to my TBR. I’ve decided to do the ten most recent (physical) books I’ve acquired, because yep, there have been more than ten of them in January. I don’t think I’ve got the hang of reducing the TBR pile!

1. King of Scars

Bought today. Well, technically bought a few weeks ago, because I pre-ordered this one, but I collected it today. I’d say I can’t wait to read it, but I need to finish the Grisha trilogy first!

2 . The Curses

3. Oh My Gods

4. Fierce Fragile Hearts

5. Shadowscent

All bought on Sunday after the Waterstones Deansgate bloggers meet-up (more of which in another post soon)

6. Women: Our History

7. The Feminism Book

Kindly gifted to me by DK Books, as they sponsored the aforementioned bloggers meet-up.

8. This Is What Happy Looks Like

9. Afterworlds

10. The Monsters We Deserve

All gifted to me by other bloggers on Sunday as part of our unofficial book swap.

Oh my goodness. I’ve acquired ten books in the last three days! I didn’t even get far enough back to include the books I picked up at the Headline New Voices event last Wednesday. Oh my goodness. This is why I have huge book piles in front of my bookcase!

So, ignoring my unfortunate book habit, anything on my list also on yours? Have you read any of these? Let me know in the comments!

(I’m just going to go and cry in a corner while I try to figure out where I’m going to put all these books!)

Top Ten Tuesday: Books I Meant To Read in 2018 But Didn’t Get To

top ten tuesday

I was determined to finally write a blog post in 2019, and I was trying to decide which of my extremely overdue reviews I was going to type up, when I realised that Top Ten Tuesday would be the perfect kick up the backside I needed. When I toddled off to That Artsy Reader Girl to see what this week’s topic was, I was overjoyed to find it was books I meant to read in 2018. It will surprise absolutely no-one to know that there are a lot of books which fall into this category for me!

1. Vengeful

I have been looking forward to this book for years. Actual years. And now it’s out, and I still haven’t read it. Sort yourself out Donna.

2. Dread Nation

This book looks so interesting and it’s had amazing reviews. I had it on my wishlist for ages and no-one bought it for me, but now I have a copy from the library, so hopefully it won’t be too long before I read it!

3. The Dark Days Pact

Yeah, so this book was also on my 2017 books I should have read list. I still haven’t read it, and the third book in the series is out now. I should probably get round to it.

4. Our Dark Duet

The second V E Schwab book that I really should have read by now. One day!

5. Competence

I am a HUGE fan of Gail Carriger and her Parasol Protectorate series and spin offs, so why haven’t I read her latest book yet? (Because it’s on my kindle and I get too distracted by shiny physical books, is the answer, if you’re wondering.)

6. Witchsign

I was desperate to read this before it came out. I bought it on release day. It’s still sitting in the TBR pile.

7. The Bitter Twins

From one co-founder of the SRFC to the other. I adored The Ninth Rain, the first book in this series, but The Bitter Twins is huge and intimidating, which is the main reason I haven’t read it yet. I need to soon, because the third book will be out this year!

8. The Malice

And The Seven come to that. Had them both for a while. Still not read them, although I have read Pete Newman’s latest book, The Deathless. I’m not the best at prioritising.

9. Before Mars

Well, having mentioned Pete Newman, it would be rude not to mention Emma, right? Oh god, these last three entries are three of my favourite authors – how have I not managed to read these yet?!

10. The Girl in the Tower

I adored The Bear and the Nightingale. I was overjoyed when I got The Girl in the Tower before the UK release date in a book box in December 2017. Still haven’t read it, and The Winter of the Witch is out now. I really need to catch up!

So there you have my top ten books I meant to read in 2018 but didn’t. Maybe I’ll get round to them this year?

Do you have any of these books on your list? Let me know in the comments!