
Donna. 40. Liverpool. I would say that I buy far too many books, but we all know there’s no such thing, right?

I mostly read YA and SFF, but I’m always on the lookout for good books in any genre (with the possible exception of horror – I’m a wuss!), and in fact some of my favourite books of the last few months have been out of my comfort zone. If you want to check out what I’ve been reading recently, you can find me on goodreads as donnak555. I’m also a prolific tweeter at @donnamk79 – feel free to follow me, but be warned that I tweet an awful lot of rubbish in between the bookish stuff! I’m on instagram as @donnamk79 too, although you’re as likely to see my bullet journal and pin collection as you are books.

My goodreads challenge is 140 books in 2020. I’m really hoping to get there. Let’s see how it goes!