Top Ten Tuesday: Ten Fantasy Books I’ve Recently Added To My TBR List


It’s that time of week again (already!). Top Ten Tuesday is a meme created by The Broke and The Bookish, and this week’s theme is books from a genre you’ve recently added to your TBR list. Now I have a confession – I don’t really have an actual list. What happens is I hear about a book and think ‘oh yes, that sounds interesting’, and then do nothing about it until I happen to see it in a shop. So really this is me wracking my brain for any books I’ve heard of recently! (I’ve also combined adult and YA fantasy books to make it slightly easier. *g*)

1. All Good Things by Emma Newman

all good things

In one sense this book has been on my TBR list for a while, because it’s the last book in the Split World series, and I’ve been gasping for it for nearly a year. On the other hand, I completely missed that it came out today, so I decided it counts.

2. The Waking Land by Callie Bates

the waking land

I’ve been seeing this one around on social media for a while, but didn’t really know what it was. Proof copies were included in this month’s Illumicrate though, and I’m intrigued!

3. The Language of Thorns by Leigh Bardugo

language of thorns

Does this really count as a recent addition if it was also on last week’s TTT post? Yes, it does. I loved Six of Crows/Crooked Kingdom, and I quite enjoyed the first Grisha book (I haven’t read the other two yet) so I’m looking forward to this collection of stories.

4. Wonder Woman: Warbringer by Leigh Bardugo

wonder woman warbringer

Bardugo’s second entry on the list. I didn’t really care about this book until I saw the film on Sunday and now I am all about Diana, Prncess of Themyscira. I am 100% counting it as fantasy btw.

5. All The Crooked Saints by Maggie Stiefvater

all the crooked saints

Yes, I know this book was also on last week’s list, but I loved the Raven Cycle and I can’t wait to see what she does next!

6. The Heart Collector by Melinda Salisbury

the heart collector

It’s three stories set in the world of TSED. Obviously this is on my TBR. I bought it as soon as it came out, but I haven’t had the chance to sit down with it and absorb.

7. Godblind by Anna Stephens


Again, I’ve seen a lot of hype about this on social media and I shamefully have an ARC from Netgalley that I haven’t read yet. Sometimes you just need a good old-fashioned epic fantasy book in your life though, right?

8. Our Dark Duet by V E Schwab

our dark duet

I know, I know. I’m like the biggest fangirl of V E Schwab, so how has this only recently been added to my TBR? Well, I keep forgetting about it, that’s how. I’m so bad at keeping track of things!

9. Heartland by Lucy Hounsom


I really enjoyed Hounsom’s first book, Starborn, but the sequel just didn’t seem to be happening, so I kind of forgot about it. It’s here now though (well, in August), and I’m looking forward to it!

10. The Seven by Peter Newman

the seven

It seemed appropriate to bookend the list with the Newmans (I love both of them, two of the loveliest humans you shall ever meet, and you should definitely read everything they write, and listen to Tea and Jeopardy, their podcast *g*). Much to my shame, I have owned The Malice for a year, and still not read it (I was trying to focus on books I knew I could get rid of once I’d read them), but this is the last in the trilogy, and I will be buying it as soon as I have some money.

Have you read any books from my fantasy TBR? Would you recommend anything else? Let me know in the comments!